In general,
Power = (energy moved) / (time to move the energy) .
If it's mechanical power, then
Power = (work done) / (time to do the work) .
If it's electrical power, then it can be any one of these:
Power = (volts) x (amperes)
Power = (volts)² / (resistance, ohms)
Power = (amperes)² x (resistance, ohms) .
Whatever kind of energy you're dealing with, power always
turns out to be
(amount of energy produced, used, or moved)
divided by
(time taken to produce, use, or move the energy) .
Atomic Size and Mass:
convert given density to kg/m^3 = 8900kg/m^3 2) convert to moles/m^3 (kg/m^3 * mol/kg) = 150847 mol/m^3 (not rounding in my actual calculations) 3) convert to atoms/m^3 (6.022^23 atoms/mol) = 9.084e28 atoms/m^3 4) take the cube root to get the number of atoms per meter, = 4495309334 atoms/m 5) take the reciprocal to get the diameter of an atom, = 2.2245e-10 m/atom 6) find the mass of one atom (kg/mol * mol/atoms) = 9.7974e-26 kg/atom Young's Modulus: Y=(F/A)/(dL/L) 1) F=mg = (45kg)(9.8N/kg) = 441 N 2) A = (0.0018m)^2 = 3.5344e-6 m^2 3) dL = 0.0016m 4) L = 2.44m 5) Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 Interatomic Spring Stiffness: Ks,i = dY 1) From above, diameter of one atom = 2.2245e-10 m 2) From above, Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 3) Ks,i = 40.799 N/m (not rounding in my actual calculations) Speed of Sound: v = ωd 1) ω = √(Ks,i / m,a) 2) From above, Ks,i = 40.799 N/m 3) From above, m,a = 9.7974e-26 kg 4) ω=2.0406e13 N/m*kg 5) From above, d=2.2245e-10 m 6) v=ωd = 4539 m/s (not rounding in actual calculations) Time Elapsed: 1) length sound traveled = L+dL = 2.44166 m 2) From above, speed of sound = 4539 m/s 3) T = (L+dL)/v = 0.000537505 s
136lb?? I'm so confused rn!! I'm super sorry!!
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You just multiply these two numbers. It's 5200J, or 5.2kJ