2. Some fractions could be different in denominator and numerator so you'll have to make all denominators the same in order to order them. It'll make it easier because the numerator will show which numbers are greater than the other. For example, 1/2 and 3/4, u could convert both to equivalent fractions. Make 1/2 into 2/4 and 3/4 stays the same, 3/4 is greater than 2/4 so it goes first.
3. 2/3, 7/12, 4/9, 1/2, 3/8, 5/24.
It's in this order because their equivalent fractions are,
27/72, 48/72, 36/72, 42/72, 36/72, 15/72.( that's the order they're in in the question)
If you have learned how to find the line of best fit manually, then you can do it that way. Perhaps you may want to just find a line that can connect at least two of the points and I believe that that line will be able to represent the other points because, in general, the points are pretty close to one another.
If you don't want to do it manually and have a graphing calculator (which I recommend) then you can use that to find the line of best fit (and if you want then you can see how precise your points are with your r^2 value). Or there is a website (http://illuminations.nctm.org/Activity.aspx?id=4186), which you can use to help you to find the equation of that particular line.
Once you have that done, then you can substitute 2009 for the x value in the equation and then see what y value the equation produces. That will then be your answer :)
Step-by-step explanation:
let josh=1x
josh has nine sweets less than john
john's sweet=4x
You can find the unknown side length by using pythagorean theorem. a²+b²=c²
Simply plug-in numbers into the formula. Your answer is 80.