Depends on which hemisphere you are belong to and how much distance you are away from Ecuador.
Minutes of daylight is equal on everywhere only on the equinox days (21 March and 23 September). On other days it depends on the place that you are belong to. On winter solstice, places on Ecuador have 12 hours daylight. North side of Ecuador have less, south side of Ecuador have more hour of daylight.
Wavelength is 0.5
To work it out, you divide Wave speed by the Frequency (24÷48=0.5)
The photoelectric effect occurs only for frequencies above the cutoff frequency, regardless of the intensity.
The photoelectric effect occurs when light is shined on metals such as zinc beyond a certain frequency (the threshold frequency), which causes electrons to escape from the zinc. The electrons which are fleeing are called photo electrons.
Therefore photo electric effect is
The photoelectric effect occurs only for frequencies above the cutoff frequency, regardless of the intensity.
6 m/s is the missing final velocity
From the data table we extract that there were two objects (X and Y) that underwent an inelastic collision, moving together after the collision as a new object with mass equal the addition of the two original masses, and a new velocity which is the unknown in the problem).
Object X had a mass of 300 kg, while object Y had a mass of 100 kg.
Object's X initial velocity was positive (let's imagine it on a horizontal axis pointing to the right) of 10 m/s. Object Y had a negative velocity (imagine it as pointing to the left on the horizontal axis) of -6 m/s.
We can solve for the unknown, using conservation of momentum in the collision: Initial total momentum = Final total momentum (where momentum is defined as the product of the mass of the object times its velocity.
In numbers, and calling
the initial momentum of object X and
the initial momentum of object Y, we can derive the total initial momentum of the system: 
Since in the collision there is conservation of the total momentum, this initial quantity should equal the quantity for the final mometum of the stack together system (that has a total mass of 400 kg):
Final momentum of the system: 
We then set the equality of the momenta (total initial equals final) and proceed to solve the equation for the unknown(final velocity of the system):