Convert decimals to fractions

Multiply both sides by 10

Move expression to the left.

Remove zero.

Solve the quadratic equation.

Remove parenthesis and calculate.

Add the numbers

Separate the solutions

The final solution are
The area of a trapezoid is as follows:
A =

A and B are the lengths of the parallel lines of trapezoids. The parallel lines in this problem are 3.5 and 9.2. After adding those and dividing by 2, we multiply 17 to find the area of the trapezoid. (This is also shown in the attached picture)
Cost of fish dinner = $10.95
selling price of fish dinner = $13.95.
To find:
The percent markup.
We know that,

Using this formula, we get

Round to the one decimal place.

Therefore, the markup is 27.4%.
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