The Moon's surface is dominated by igneous rocks. The lunar highlands are formed of anorthosite, an igneous rock predominantly of calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar
300 mM
In order to solve this problem we need to calculate the line of best fit for those experimental values. The absorbance values go in the Y-axis while the concentration goes in the X-axis. We can calculate the linear fit using Microsoft Excel using the LINEST function (alternatively you can write the Y data in one column and X data in another one, then use that data to create a dispersion graph and finally add the line of best fit and its formula).
The <u>formula for the line of best fit for this set of data is</u>:
So now we <u>calculate the value of </u><u><em>x</em></u><u> when </u><u><em>y</em></u><u> is 1.50</u>:
You just have to pass your final with a grade above 75
option b = atomic number
The atomic number of silver is 47. Its isotopes range from Ag⁹³ - Ag¹³² . The naturally occurring silver is made up of two stable isotopes i.e ₄₇Ag¹⁰⁷ and ₄₇Ag¹⁰⁹. The percentage of Ag¹⁰⁷ is 51.84% so it is more abundant than ₄₇Ag¹⁰⁹. Their atomic masses are different but the atomic number is same i.e 47.
A neutral atom have equal number of protons and neutrons. In other words we can say that negative and positive charges are equal in magnitude and cancel the each other. For example in case of silver 47 protons and 47 electrons are present. The number of protons or number of electrons are the atomic number of an atom while the number of protons and number of neutrons are the mass number of an atom. Every atom consist of nucleus or a positive center. The protons and neutrons are present with in the nucleus while electrons are present out side the nucleus. All these three subatomic particles construct an atom.