When the body temperature tends to rise, such as during physical exercise, the body begins to sweat. The sweat with high water content is secreted in the skin and when it evaporates into the environment, it cools the body. This is due to the property of water having high heat capacity. It carries with it a lot of heat per molecule (because water requires much energy – than most materials - for its temperature to rise by a degree) hence ideal for cooling. This is why on a hot day, sweating makes the skin feel cooler than the surrounding.
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The tree might get swept away by the current and it will disappear when it catches on something
For our problem, this means that one mole of CO2 has a mass of 44.01 grams. So 22 grams divided by 44.01 grams is roughly 0.5 moles of CO2.
hope it helps
tensional force
It usually exist in fluid or any liquid substance where by an object is put before it
e.g An ant can walk on water without submersed in it.