La velocidad del sonido en el aire (a una temperatura de 20 ºC) es de 343 m/s. La ecuación creada por Newton y posteriormente modificada por Laplace que permite obtener la velocidad del sonido en el aire teniendo en cuenta la variable de la temperatura es "331+(0,6 x Temperatura)".
When you ask for "joules per second", you're asking for "watts".
The rate of energy "transfer" is 'power'. In this case, the light bulb
transfers energy out of the electrical circuit and into the space
around it, in the form of light and heat radiation.
Electrical power = (voltage) x (current) =
(6 volts) x (0.5 ampere) =
3 watts = 3 joules per second.
If one plays ice hockey he should must have necessary equipment to support his sport. These equipment include Ice Skates,Helmet with Cage and Mouth-guard:, Hockey stick, Hockey pants,Hockey gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, Shin Guard:Neck guard and Jockstrap (men) or Pelvic protector (women)
Some of the most common examples of mechanical waves are water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves. There are three types of mechanical waves: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves.