Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and Nucleic Acids.
When we cook food in the kitchen, that's the region of higher concentration of the smell. By diffusion, the smell spreads to the whole room and thereby whole house, so anyone standing at a distance, can smell it.
The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms. Cells are the smallest unit of life that is classified as a living thing, and are often called the "building blocks of life.
Elements are separate particles that contain the properties of only one type of element (pure substance) and an atom represents that element as the smallest non divisible particle that retains the properties of that element. Compounds can be formed by conjoining different atoms together in different ratios and shapes, so a combination of elements.
The formation of a meander. As the river erodes laterally, to the right side then the left side, it forms large bends, and then horseshoe-like loops called meanders . The formation of meanders is due to both deposition and erosion and meanders gradually migrate downstream.