a) d = 6.0 m
Since car is accelerating at uniform rate then here we can say that the distance moved by the car with uniform acceleration is given as

here we know that

now we will have

Food has calories which feeds your bones in your body from eating away your muscles, it doesn’t have “energy” on the other hand pop and drinks do.
He feels a 10 N to the left force moves. Yes ,he moves.
The kilogram-meter per second (kg · m/s or kg · m · s -1 ) is the standard unit of momentum . Reduced to base units in the International System of Units ( SI ), a kilogram-meter per second is the equivalent of a newton-second (N · s), which is the SI unit of impulse .
So this is easy to calculate when you split the velocity into x and y components. The x component is going to equal cos(53) * 290 and the y component is going to equal sin(53)*290.
The x location therefore is 290*cos(53)*35 = 6108.4m
The y location needs to factor in the downwards acceleration of gravity too, which is 9.81m/s^2. We need the equation dist. = V initial*time + 0.5*acceleration*time^2.
This gives us d=290*sin(53)*35 + (0.5*-9.81*35^2)=2097.5m
So your (x,y) coordinates equals (6108.4, 2097.5)