At the high temperatures of the inner solar nebula, the small proto-planets were too hot to hold the volatile gases that dominated the solar nebula. These proto-planets were Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.
The materials that accreted into the early Earth were probably added piecemeal, without and particular order. The early earth was very hot from gravitational compression, impacts and radioactive decay; the earth was partially molted. The denser metallic liquids sank to the center of the Earth and less denser silicate liquids rose to the top. In this way the Earth differentiated very quickly into a metallic, mostly iron core and a rocky silicate mantle.
Water holds in heat very well. Keep the temperature more steady and average. The areas around the water will also have a less variant change in temperature as a result. This property of water is known as high specific heat.
The rate at which velocity changes with respect to a change in time is called. acceleration.
Diagnostic radiology include the use of non-invasive imaging scans to diagnose a patient.
The voltages used in diagnostic tubes range from roughly 20 kV to 150 kV and thus the highest energies of the X-ray photons range from roughly 20 keV to 150 keV.
The tests and equipment used sometimes involves low doses of radiation to create highly detailed images of an area.
Well, the reason behind this is because water depth (I assume you're talking about water/liquid) increases the pressure because of the weight and volume of the water above. I hope this helps! ~Mia