Every point on the surface must have the same rotational speed.
Otherwise some places would rotate away from other places.
If the next block of your city rotated faster than the block that you live on,
then you could sit at home, look out the window, and watch your school
rotate past your house.
The map of the continents on the Earth would change constantly.
force equals mass time acceleration
250 N = (70 kg ) (A)
250/70 = 3.5 which is about 4 m/s
Hope this helps
The dissolution of magnetite seems to be related to its transformation to hematite by oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. The transformation of magnetite to hematite occurs along {111} planes, and results in the development of hematite domains along {111} that are parallel to the foliation. The difference in volume created by the transformation of magnetite to hematite and the shear stress acting on the interphase boundaries allow fluids to migrate along these planes.
The domains in a magnet are aligned according to magnetic fields.
The heat source for rock formation
Primordial heat: Some heat accumulated during the earth's formation and it is still available to drive the internal heat Engine of the earth. Some of these heat are used to melt rocks and produce magma.
Radioactive sources: Radioactive elements within the earth also serves as heat source for rock formation. Their spontaneous decay produce heat which are sufficient enough to generate enough thermal energy to melt and produce rocks.