Enter a curve slower than the posted speed if your vehicle has a high center of gravity or if surface Traction is less than ideal.
Traction is an act of drawing or pulling something over a surface specially a road or a track or it also defined as the grip of a tire on road or a wheel on rail. So speed when entering a curve should be slower when the tire has low traction to avoid accident.
Friction stole the book's kinetic energy, and turned it into heat energy ... which blew away in the breeze.
Chemical energy, Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. Chemical energy may be released during a chemical reaction, often in the form of heat; such reactions are called exothermic.
Synthesis reaction
Synthesis reaction: two or more compounds combine to form one.
A + B → C
Decomposition reaction: one compound forms two or more.
C → A + B
Single replacement reaction: an element in one compound is replaced with another element.
AB + C → AC + B
Double replacement reaction: elements in two compounds replace each other.
AB + CD → AC + BD
One is their traits and their characterists that they have in common