A point. A line would show progressing distance over passing time. Since the object is not going anywhere it would just be a point. I would also assume that this point would be sitting at the 0 on the distance axis. (this assumes Distance is the x axis)
If the x-axis is time and the y-axis is distance you will get a horizontal line because time will be passing but the distance will (Y value) constant (at rest).
B. Scientific claims can be verified through observation and experimentation, while pseudoscientific claims cannot. At least I think it is right.
There was an electron transfer where the marble has lost the same amount of electrons (being positively charged) that the piece of silk has gained (being negatively charged).
As a result of this transfer of electrons and the charges induced in the objects they will attract.
When a body is endowed with electrical properties, that is, it acquires electrical charges, it is said to have been electrified.
Electrification is one of the phenomena that studies electrostatics.
To explain how static electricity originates, we must consider that matter is made of atoms, and atoms of charged particles, a nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Normally, matter is neutral (not electrified), it has the same number of positive and negative charges.
Some atoms are easier to lose their electrons than others. If a material tends to lose some of its electrons when it comes into contact with another, it is said to be more positive in the Triboelectric series. If a material tends to capture electrons when it comes into contact with another material, that material is more negative in the triboelectric series.
The river bank can expand due to the water breaking apart and move for sediment.
can u tell the question in english