When you double the speed of your car, your braking distance quadruples. every time you double your speed, you multiply your braking distance by four.
Electrons are influenced by internal forces.
-On the temperature, density of electrons per unit of volume and relaxation time.
-The temperature
The Drude model neglects interactions between electrons and ions and with themselves. Those interactions (by which we refer as electromagnetic forces) influence in the random movement and freedom of the electron. So, they could be more restricted or could influence in conductivity more.
The deduction of the resistivity comes from the Ohm's law, which states that the Electric field in the material is proportional to the current density of electrons by a constant, which is the resistivity itself. The equation goes as follows:

Where e refers to electron (or the charge of it), τ is the relaxation time (average time between collisions), m is the mass and n is the density of charges (electrons in this case) per volume. However, experimentally resistivity is also dependent on temperature, which actually influence the relaxation time. The thermal energy influence in the behavior of the electrons, making them collide with phonons, have more randomness and reduced mean free path.
the intensity of the sun on the other planet is a hundredth of that of the intensity of the sun on earth.
That is,
Intensity of sun on the other planet, Iₒ = (intensity of the sun on earth, Iₑ)/100
Let the intensity of light be represented by I
Let the distance of the star be d
I ∝ (1/d²)
I = k/d²
For the earth,
Iₑ = k/dₑ²
k = Iₑdₑ²
For the other planet, let intensity be Iₒ and distance be dₒ
Iₒ = k/dₒ²
But dₒ = 10dₑ
Iₒ = k/(10dₑ)²
Iₒ = k/100dₑ²
But k = Iₑdₑ²
Iₒ = Iₑdₑ²/100dₑ² = Iₑ/100
Iₒ = Iₑ/100
Meaning the intensity of the sun on the other planet is a hundredth of that of the intensity on earth.
English "natural philosopher" (the contemporary term for physicist) Michael Faraday is renowned for his discovery of the principles of electro-magnetic induction and electro-magnetic rotation, the interaction between electricity and magnetism that led to the development of the electric motor and generator. The unit of measurement of electrical capacitance - the farad (F) - is named in his honor.
Faraday's experimental work in chemistry, which included the discovery of benzene, also led him to the first documented observation of a material that we now call a semiconductor. While investigating the effect of temperature on "sulphurette of silver" (silver sulfide) in 1833 he found that electrical conductivity increased with increasing temperature. This effect, typical of semiconductors, is the opposite of that measured in metals such as copper, where conductivity decreases as temperature is increased.
In a chapter entitled "On Conducting Power Generally" in his book Experimental Researches in Electricity Faraday writes "I have lately met with an extraordinary case ... which is in direct contrast with the influence of heat upon metallic bodies ... On applying a lamp ... the conducting power rose rapidly with the heat ... On removing the lamp and allowing the heat to fall, the effects were reversed."
We now understand that raising the temperature of most semiconductors increases the density of charge carriers inside them and hence their conductivity. This effect is used to make thermistors - special resistors that exhibit a decrease in electrical resistance (or an increase in conductivity) with an increase in temperature.
Next Milestone
Contemporary Documents
<span>Faraday, M. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1. (London: Richard and John Edward Taylor, 1839) pp.122-124 (para. 432). Note: This section appears on different pages in later editions of the book. The material in the book is reprinted from articles by Faraday published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of 1831-1838. </span>
More Information
<span>Hirshfeld, Alan W. The Electric Life of Michael Faraday. Walker & Company (March 7, 2006).</span>
<span>Friedel, Robert D. Lines and Waves: Faraday, Maxwell and 150 Years of Electromagnetism. Center for the History of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1981).</span>
To answer, evaluate the power of 10 in the given choices. If it is positve, move the decimal n places to the right. If it is negative, move the decimal n corresponding places to the left. From all the choices given, only the choices D, E, and F will give us the correct answer.