this question is in reference to the formation and naming of ionic compounds. Specifically, they want you to give examples of three ionic compounds with a metal to nonmetal ratio of 2 to 1. That means we need to have two metal atoms to metal ions, which are typically cat ions for every one non metal atom or an ion. In order for this to occur, we need to have the metal with half the charge of the nonmetal or the non metal with double the charge of the metal. So an example might be something like sodium sulfide. Sodium has one valence electron. It can give up sulfur needs to valence electrons in order to achieve an octet. So we need to. Sodium seems to give up one electron each to total so that sulfide can achieve an octet. Another one might be potassium oxide. Similar scenario. We've got potassium giving up one valence electron oxygen requiring too. So we need to potassium to supply the to valence electrons that oxygen needs to achieve an octet and lithium. Also in Group one A and alkali metal wants to give up just one valence electron to achieve an octet well to achieve, I guess a duet to be more like helium, and so it gives up one. If we have two of them, then we can provide the to valence electrons that sulfur needs. So this is sodium sulfide, potassium oxide and lithium sulfide. Remember when we name Ionic compounds? We named the Cat Ion with the name of the element and the anti on with the name of the Element, but with the ending oven of ID, a suffix of ID because each one of the cat ions donated their valence electrons to the anti on so the an ion could achieve an octet. Then all of the's will have an octet of valence electrons. Sulfur had six sodium had one. There were two of them, so we have a total of eight.
Alka Seltzer tablet contains 325 mg of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), 1000 mg of citric acid, and 1916 mg of sodium bicarbonate. The acids originally contained in a tablet give only 17.4 mmol of H+, which is not enough to neutralize all of the sodium bicar- bonate (22.8 mmol).
Carson models how the continental crust varies in thickness. Marisol records atmospheric and oceanic temperatures at several beaches. Eliza analyzes seismic wave activity from an earthquake using a computer model.
Study the bone structure of limbs can be used to find out the relatedness and relationship among three species because the pattern of bones structure is similar but the structure is different from one another due to different environmental conditions. This study provides important and useful information whether the three species are closely related or not. If they have similar bone structure than we can say that there are more chances that they are closely related to each other.