I am not sure what it was but it could be dryness, I can give you some tips on how to get rid of acne or pimples.
1) if you can then use vitamin C syrum
2) wash your face everyday and after each wash apply lotion
3) keep applying lotion when your skin starts feeling like it's getting dry
4) when you dry your face DON'T rub a towel, use a soft cloth or silk and tap your face dry with it
) try to find soducrem and use it on your spots, soducrem is a cream that is used for acne and pimples and rashes but before buying it make sure to read the container to make sure you got the right one it should say that it can be used for acne.
To apply soducrem you must put it either in your whole face or on your acne spots and leave it on for 5-8 hours best to leave it on overnight
I hope this helps