Airplane with nose up: The plane's speed through the air is the square root of (80 m/s squared) plus (120 m/s squared. The whole picture is a right triangle, and the plane's speed is the hypotenuse. The angle is the angle whose tangent is (80/120). You can get it from a calculator, a book, a slide rule, or online from the site that rhymes with floogle.
The man pulling the load is also a right triangle. The horizontal component is (hypotenuse) times (cosine of the angle). The vertical component is (hypotenuse) times (sine of the same angle). Fill in what you know, look up the sin and cos of 25 degrees and write those in too, and then you can solve for what you have to find.
One end of any bar magnet will always want to point north if it is freely suspended. This is called the north-seeking pole of the magnet, or simply the north pole. The opposite end is called the south pole.
There are no options here. Could you provide the different answers?
In order for an object or a projectile to leave Earth's gravitational pull, it must reach Earth's escape velocity, meaning reach a speed of 7 miles per second (~11 km per second).
C. Try an element in the same group as lithium.