Answer is C.) G<span>oes from extremely cold to extremely hot during a lunar day </span>
The reason is because the temperatures on the moon<span> are very hot in the daytime, about 100 degrees C. At night, the </span>lunar <span>surface gets very cold, as cold as minus 173 degrees C. This wide variation is because Earth's </span>moon has no atmosphere to hold in heat at night or prevent the surface from getting so hot during the day.
Ernest Rutherford i believe
You need the Delta H fusion for water. Multiply that by 50 grams. Then multiply 50 g x 4.184 x 65 to get joules to raise water to 65 degrees. Add these values together to get total joules.
If you think about it treated sewage would have a certain place that it is put therefore C is the answer
Observe: To model how hydrogen and oxygen react to make water, type “H2+O2” into the Reactants box and “H2O” into the Products box.
As the equation is written, which element is not in balanced?
oxygen isn't balanced...
in reactants there is 2hydrogens and 2 oxygen
but in product there is balanced no if hydrogen bt there is only one no of oxygen