Aurous is a cation of gold. Gold takes the name "aurum" (Au) with atomic number of 79. In its purest form, the element is bright, slightly yellow, soft, ductile, and malleable. The charge of aurous is +1. Sulfide, on the other hand, has a charge of -2.
Hence, the chemical formula of the compound is Au₂S and its systematic name is gold (I) sulfide.
"They drink water when it is aivailable but can go weeks without it, they rely on morning dew and the water content of their food". they can use plants as resources to live.
We could do two 1:50 dilutions and one 1:4 dilutions.
Hi there!
A solution that is 1000 ug/ ml (or 1000 mg / l) is 1000 ppm.
Knowing that 1 ppm = 1000 ppb, 100 ppb is 0.1 ppm.
Then, we have to dilute the stock solution (1000 ppm / 0.1 ppm) 10000 times.
We could do two 1:50 dilutions and one 1:4 dilutions (50 · 50 · 4 = 10000). Since the first dilution is 1:50, you will use the smallest quantity of the stock solution (if we use the 10.00 ml flask):
First step (1:50 dilution):
Take 0.2 ml of the stock solution using the third dispenser (20 - 200 ul), and pour it in the 10.00 ml flask. Fill with water to the mark (concentration : 1000 ppm / 50 = 20 ppm).
Step 2 (1:50 dilution):
Take 0.2 ml of the solution made in step 1 and pour it in another 10.00 ml flask. Fill with water to the mark. Concentration 20 ppm/ 50 = 0.4 ppm)
Step 3 (1:4 dilution):
Take 2.5 ml of the solution made in step 3 (using the first dispenser 1 - 5 ml) and pour it in a 10.00 ml flask. Fill with water to the mark. Concentration 0.4 ppm / 4 = 0.1 ppm = 100 ppb.
H₃O⁺ =
OH =
pH = 2.22
pOH = 11.78
<h3>What is pH?</h3>
The term pH, which originally stood for "potential of hydrogen" (or "power of hydrogen"), is used in chemistry to describe how acidic or basic an aqueous solution is. Lower pH values are summarized for acidic solutions (solutions with higher H+ ion concentrations) than for basic or alkaline solutions.
The pH scale is inversely indicates to the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and is logarithmic.
⇒pH = -log(
Acidic solutions are those with a pH below 7, and basic solutions are those with a pH above 7, at a temperature of 25 °C (77 °F). At this temperature, solutions with a pH of 7 are neutral (e.g. pure water). The pH neutrality relies on temperature, falling below 7 if the temperature rises above 25 °C.
Learn more about pH
Group of highly-reactive chemical elements. The alkali metals are a group (column) in the periodic table consisting of the chemical elements lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and francium (Fr).