see below
First, the obvious, as you press the gas pedal harder the acceleration goes up as well. Conversely, is you do not press the pedal, you will not accelerate. This determines that is I press the gas pedal, it will CAUSE the car to accelerate. This proves causation.
Now, correlation. The definition of correlation in statistics is any statistical relationship between two random variables or data. This simply means that these two events are connected to one another. A POSITIVE correlation is when two correlated events move in the same direction as one another. I have added a graph to help visualize this. In this problem as the gas is pressed harder, the acceleration increases. If the pressure on the pedal was decreased, then the acceleration also decreases. If the pressure on the pedal is constant, the the acceleration is constant.
I hope this helps!
1. Always be the bigger person
2. Violence is never the answer
3. Don’t fight fire with fire
It’s the passage of electromagnetic waves through a medium.
1. Discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, this law states that every object in the universe that has mass attracts every other object in the universe that has mass. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. When applying this to a situation with two objects, the object with the smaller mass will do most of the moving because the other object has too much inertia to move any noticeable amount.
2. Without advanced technology like we have today, Ptolemy and Copernicus tried to best explain the model of the universe through observation. Ptolemy’s model came first and placed a stationary earth at the center of the model. Everything else moved in respect to earth. This was widely accepted since it seemed like earth wasn’t moving. Ptolemy stated that the planetary bodies moved around earth in circular paths. However, this wasn’t always witnessed through observation. He adjusted his model to state that some planets must be moving in secondary orbits.
Copernicus put a rotating earth in a sun-centered model. The rotation of earth was able to account for the rising and setting of stars. The orbital motion of the earth and moon also accounted for the motion of the sun and moon with respect to the stars. This was easier to understand but encountered scrutiny due to its differences from religious teachings.
One big difference between the approaches in the two is that Copernicus didn’t try to adjust his model to match what was going on; he used observations to develop the model. In addition, one common trend in science is that the simplest explanation is usually most accurate or closer to accurate. Copernicus’ model was more straightforward; Ptolemy’s was more complex.
3. Acceleration in a circle is toward the center of the circle, while velocity is always a straight line that's tangent to the circle. Thus, when the boy lets go of the rope, the centripetal force (acceleration) toward the center of the circle disappears. The ball then follows the straight path, tangent to the circle, and follows Path A.