The higher your price, the less volume you have to produce for a given dollar amount of profit! Even a small price increase can generate significant additional profit. ... When a business comes out with a new product or service and they are the first to market, they may be able to charge high prices initially.
<u>1. Have many moons:</u>
- Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest in the Solar System and it has fifty-three moons which are confirmed and twenty-six provisional moons and totally it has seventy-nine moons and it is the only planet which has many moons.
<u>2. Have a rocky composition:</u>
- The planets which have rocky composition are also called the terrestrial planets.
- The planets which have rocky composition are listed below mercury, venus, earth, and mars and they are smaller in size.
<u>3. Revolve quickly around the Sun: </u>
- Mercury is the quickest planet, which rushes around the sun at 47.87 km/s. And it revolves around the sun quickly.
<u> 4. Rotate quickly on their axes: </u>
- The giant gas planets like Jupiter, Saturn, etc... spin more quickly on their axes than the other planets
Yes it is a mineral
Susanna has found a mineral because the five characteristics of a mineral are naturally occurring solid, crystal structure, forms by inorganic process, and definite chemical composition. Everything that was listed in the question describes the fact that its a mineral.
Brainliest would be appreciated :)
Yes heating water allows it to dissolve more Sugars because the molecular distance increases and this distance can be covered by more sugar. In the given question, The independent variable would be the temperature of water.
Since to whatever temperature the water boils at the boiling temperature of does not change remains hundred degree. Rest all the variables can vary the weight of the amount of sugar with the variable in the temperature of Boiling of water to remain constant.
the force between charged particles increases when they are in solid form