The 3003 aluminum alloy is made up of 1.25% Magnesium and 0.1% Copper. This combination is designed to increase the strength of the material over other types of alloys such as those of the 1000 series. This alloy provides a medium strength and can be educated by cold work.
The alloy is not heat treatable and generally has good formability, corrosion resistance and weldability.
However, being a material that hardens by cold work, welding a 3003 Aluminum structure will cause the body to undergo recrystallization which will generate a loss in the 'resistance' of the material and the force capable of withstanding. If this aluminum will be used for structural purposes, it should not be welded. It would be better to perform the structure with a 6061 aluminum, which has similar characteristics and is not so affected by welding.
Please be determined and being hardworking person do not rely on the other people to make your problems solved
The Ionospheric Effect
One of the largest errors in GPS positioning is attributable to the atmosphere. The long, relatively unhindered travel of the GPS signal through the virtual vacuum of space changes as it passes through the earth’s atmosphere. Through both refraction and diffraction, the atmosphere alters the apparent speed and, to a lesser extent, the direction of the signal. This causes an apparent delay in the signal's transit from the satellite to the receiver.