Resistance to electrical currents
Conductors have low resistance to electrical currents, and are used to "conduct" the flow of electricity.
Insulators have very high resistance and are used to protect us from the flow of electricity.
F = 0.1575 N
When the third sphere touches the first sphere, the charge is distributed between both spheres, then now the first sphere has only half of his original charge.
In this moment then
Sphere one has a charge = Q/2
Sphere three has a charge = Q/2
Now when the third sphere touches the second sphere again the charge is distributed in a manner that both sphere has the same charge.
How the total charge is Q = Q/2 + Q = 3/2Q, when the spheres are separated each one has 3/4Q
Sphere two has a charge = 3/4Q
Sphere three has a charge = 3/4Q
The electrostatic force that acts on sphere 2 due to sphere 1 is:
F = 
= 0.42
F = 
F = 0.1575 N
Depending on the surface area and weight, either can fall slower.
If you were to drop a feather and a brick off a building at the same height, the brick would reach the ground first. This is due to air resistance and how it slows the feather down compared to the brick. The surface area of the feather creates more resistance compared to its weight, therefore it hits the ground slower. It really all depends on the surface area, weight and the air resistance it creates.
If all air resistance were to be removed, then what would happen is that the two objects would fall and reach the ground at the same time. This is because the objects are in free fall, and because they are in free fall, the two objects would be falling at an acceleration of 9.81 m/s². This is true for all objects in free fall.
1/5 or .2
you put miles over seconds 3/15 then simplify to 1/5 to get miles per second