A diode, which allows current to flow in one direction only, consists of two types of semiconductors joined together.
A semiconductor can be defined as a crystalline solid substance that has its conductivity lying between that of a metal and an insulator, due to the effects of temperature or an addition of an impurity. Semiconductors are classified into two main categories;
1. Extrinsic semiconductor.
2. Intrinsic semiconductor.
An intrinsic semiconductor is a crystalline solid substance that is in its purest form and having no impurities added to it. Examples of intrinsic semiconductor are Germanium and Silicon.
In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons is equal to the number of holes. Also, in an intrinsic semiconductor the number of holes and free electrons is directly proportional to the temperature; as the temperature increases, the number of holes and free electrons increases and vice-versa.
In an intrinsic semiconductor, each free electrons (valence electrons) produces a covalent bond.
this description is valid for mediadle displacement, bone is an acceptable description
The description of a person's position must be done with a position vector. These vectors must have magnitude, a given direction and a starting point.
In the description this has a starting point corner NO of pine and 675.
Each displacement occurs with respect to the previous one, indicating the magnitude of the displacement and its direction.
After analyzing this description is valid for mediadle displacement, bone is an acceptable description
Observer A is moving inside the train
so here observer A will not be able to see the change in position of train as he is standing in the same reference frame
So here as per observer A the train will remain at rest and its not moving at all
Observer B is standing on the platform so here it is a stationary reference frame which is outside the moving body
So here observer B will see the actual motion of train which is moving in forward direction away from the platform
Observer C is inside other train which is moving in opposite direction on parallel track. So as per observer C the train is coming nearer to him at faster speed then the actual speed because they are moving in opposite direction
So the distance between them will decrease at faster rate
Now as per Newton's II law
F = ma
Now if train apply the brakes the net force on it will be opposite to its motion
So we can say
- F = ma
so here acceleration negative will show that train will get slower and its distance with respect to us is now increasing with less rate
It is not affected by the gravity because the gravity will cause the weight of train and this weight is always counterbalanced by normal force on the train
So there is no effect on train motion
Rope or one could consider it to be C to B or A to D