I'm taking a guess here. Aluminum.
The best conductor of heat would be the material that melted the ice fast. A.K.A. the one with the least amount of minutes. Since aluminum has the least, it is the best conductor of heat
Silver is A precious shiny grayish-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 47. Silver is sometimes found in nature in metallic form. It forms a sulfide mineral Ag 2 S called acanthite. Mineral forms of silver include sulfides formed with antimony called Stephanite, miargyrite and pyrargyrite. Silver is a naturally occurring element on the periodic table and can be found in natural deposits throughout the world. As such, it was discovered in 5000 BC, but not invented, by people.
E - Be and O
A - Mg and N
E - Li and Br
F - Ba and Cl
B - Rb and O
Be and O
Be is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Be²⁺ and O is a nonmetal that gains 2 e⁻ to form O²⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form BeO (E-MX).
Mg and N
Mg is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Mg²⁺ and N is a nonmetal that gains 3 e⁻ to form O³⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form Mg₃N₂ (A-M₃X₂).
Li and Br
Li is a metal that loses 1 e⁻ to form Li⁺ and Br is a nonmetal that gains 1 e⁻ to form Br⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form LiBr (E-MX).
Ba and Cl
Ba is a metal that loses 2 e⁻ to form Ba²⁺ and Cl is a nonmetal that gains 1 e⁻ to form Cl⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form BaCl₂ (F-MX₂).
Rb and O
Rb is a metal that loses 1 e⁻ to form Rb⁺ and O is a nonmetal that gains 2 e⁻ to form O²⁻. For the ionic compound to be neutral, it must have the form Rb₂O (B-M₂X).