The correct answer is: B. pure culture.
- Sputum sample contains varied types of bacteria.
- When this sample is cultured on a growth medium all the different types of bacteria grow on it.
- A single distinct colony of bacteria is formed from by multiple divisions of a single bacterial cell.
- In the given growth medium distinct colonies of bacteria are formed.
- Each such colony is formed from a single bacteria.
- When such a single distinct colony is inoculated in a separate medium and bacteria is grown in that, then a Pure culture of bacteria is generated.
- A Pure culture can be defined as such a culture which is comprised of single type of bacterial cell, formed from a single bacteria.
Based on similar appearance - traditional
Based on evolutionary relationships- modern
Known as cladistics- modern
Known as Linnaean classification- traditional
Linnaeus was a Swedish Botanist who was the first to classify organisms based on the structural similarities which organisms had. This method of classification came to be known as the Linnaean classification. Organisms which had more closer resemblances in structures and features had more groups or taxa in common.
The modern system of classification depends on the evolutionary history of organisms. It determines which organisms are more closely and have common ancestors in the past.
The desired graph of the Antarctic food web is attached:
A food web shows the taking care of connections between the life forms in a specific biological system, fundamentally what eats what. It shows how vitality courses through the biological system. Creatures can be separated into producers, different level of consumers, and decomposers inside a food web:
producers in the Antarctic marine biological system are: ocean ice green growth, phytoplankton, macroalgae, microalgae
primary, second-level, third level, fourth level, and fifth-degree of consumers are straightforwardly or by implication rely upon producers as they structure a significant food hotspot for creatures that feed by grazing. Models incorporate snails, imps, and corals. These consumers thusly will be eaten by different creatures, for example, ocean stars. At the head of the food web, there are bigger consumers, for example, fish, penguins, and seals. energy moves from producers to the consumers and there is a large part of the energy loss during the process only 10% of energy gets to the subsequent trophic level.
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