A whole number, not a fraction, that can be negative, positive or zero are integers. They cannot have decimal places.
Now, converting 0.000431 L to decimal an integer as:
So, .
Hence, the integer value for 0.000431 L is .
its 40
I just took the test right now to get this answer
D. They are different from the properties of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Step-by-step explanation:
Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are all <em>elements.
Sucrose is a <em>compound</em> containing carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Its properties are different from those of its elements.
For example, carbon is a <em>black solid,</em> while oxygen and hydrogen are <em>colourless gases</em>. Sucrose is a <em>white solid</em>.
an acid
A household cleaner has a pH around 10. It would be considered. a base. an acid. neutral. a liquid.