*food science*
When you consume proteins, carbs, and fats they are chemically changed into energy.
Of heating. Or when the lake is exposed to boil because of the temperature.
Protists belong to the group eukaryotes (having their DNA enclosed
inside the nucleus). They are not plants, nimals or fungi but they act like
one. They can be in general subgroups such as unicellular algae, protozoa and
molds. They thrive in environments with little sunlight. The answer is
letter B.
To get mL from mass just devide 1000g with 10.5 to get 95.23mL
profile is the vertical sequence of the layers of soil. Furthermore, there are
actually six layers of the soil which involves the organic matter, -where most
humus is present-, surface soil, the subsoil, the parent rock, and the bedrock
as the innermost and core layer of the soil. In addition each soil layer has
three to four soil horizon. These horizons are the physical features of the soil,
mainly the texture, color and composition.