Maximum height=7.3535 m
Solution of the problem is given in the attachments.
Using the above algorithm matches one pair of Ghostbuster and Ghost. On each side of the line formed by the pairing, the number of Ghostbusters and Ghosts are the same, so use the algorithm recursively on each side of the line to find pairings. The worst case is when, after each iteration, one side of the line contains no Ghostbusters or Ghosts. Then, we need n/2 total iterations to find pairings, giving us an P(
)- time algorithm.
Hello Adam here! (UWU)
The advantages of 3D modeling for designers is not limited to productivity and coordination, it is an excellent communication tool for both the designer and end user. 3D models can help spark important conversations during the design phase and potentially avoid costly construction mishaps.
Happy to Help! (>.O)