Pueden producirse tos, babeo, incapacidad para deglutir, vómitos, a veces con sangre, y sensación de ahogo. En casos graves debidos a sustancias cáusticas, la persona puede presentar una presión arterial muy baja (choque o shock), ahogo o dolor torácico, lo que posiblemente acabe siendo mortal.
The symbol "Δ" means Change
The acronym BUN means Blood Urea nitrogen
- Blood urea nitrogen refers to the measure of the urea level in blood. Abbreviated as BUN.
- Diseases that compromise the function of the kidney frequently lead to increased BUN level. And are usually diagnosed by measuring the amount of Urea in blood, called Blood Urea Nitrogen test.
kind of obvious but no hate
GTPAL is the acronym being used to obtain history of a pregnant women. G means Gravida which is the total number of pregnancies, this includes the term,preterm and abortion pregnancies and Para is for only the total number of living children. In this case, it would be Gravida 5 and Para 3.
Which of these STIs has a vaccine to prevent it?