You're not going to like this answer, but it's the only one possible:. It wasn't I who learned anything in this unit. If it was either of us, it was YOU. I can't even tell from reading the question what the topic of the unit was. Was it pamphlets ? Microsoft Publisher ? Freshmen ? Getting Through High School ? This is a lot like asking me to write something "in your own words".
NFC Near Field Communication
The Near Field Communication is a communication protocol, for extra short distance with a maximum of 10 centimeters, but usually used in 4 to 5 cm. Its intended to be used in contactless pay systems and in transportation card. Actually has been used to transfer multimedia from cell phones and other devices. The maximum data rate is around 424 kbit/s, with mean in 250 Kbp
There are many factors which contributes as to how a machine will be processing the input energy and convert it to output energy. Even with identical mechanism, these factors will have major effect on the output. Some factors are deflection, friction and wear. Some system maybe exposed to poor lubrication than the other which'll produce more friction and wear thus lower mechanical advantage.
Newton would resort to the classical mechanics and say that the momentum of the particle that is moving with a constant velocity will be given by: momentum = mass x velocity
this approach will highlight the particle nature and will not be relativistic.
De-Broglie will say that the momentum of the particle is related to its associated matter wave and the relation between them is given by:

where \lambda = wavelength of the matter wave associated to the particle, h = planck's constant
thus, this highlights the wave nature of the particle and is also relativistic.
The longer you continue to listen, the more beats will be heard.
They'll occur at the rate of (260Hz - 254Hz) = 6 Hz .