both kinetic and potential energy
this is your ans
I hope it helps mate
I will always help you understanding your assingments
have a great day
#Captainpower :)
Francium has fewer valence electrons, but they are in a higher energy level
The ball can't reach the speed of 20 m/s in two seconds, unless you THROW it down from the window with a little bit of initial speed. If you just drop it, then the highest speed it can have after two seconds is 19.6 m/s .
If an object starts from rest and its speed after 2 seconds is 20 m/s, then its acceleration is 20/2 = 10 m/s^2 .
(Gravity on Earth is only 9.8 m/s^2.)
Gravity is all ways pulling down and the normal force acting on top of the object and for it to have to push or pull to the object
103.9 hours, if you never stopped for any reason.