An epidemic (from Greek ἐπί epi "upon or above" and δῆμος demos "people") is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time.
Answer: If the gold in the crown was mixed with a less-valuable metal such as bronze of copper then this affects its density by making it to weigh even more and if it weighs more then it has less of chance to float. Observe: Drag each of the crowns into the liquid.
Respiring while swimming underwater
Because anaerobic respiration means respiration with no oxygen, and there is no oxygen underwater
A) Cations
a) Cations have a positive charge and are larger than their neutral counterparts!
b) Anions have a negative charge and are smaller than their neutral counterparts
c) Metals can have either a positive or negative charge making it either a cation or an anion
d) Carbon is an element and it can have a charge anywhere from +4 to -4
A good way to remember that cations are positive is to think that CATions are always PAWSitive! ^-^