positive ion is a Cation while a negative ion is called an anion
9.79740949850 moles
- 1 mole = Avogardo's Number <<6.022 E 23 <<particles, atoms, etc.>>
- This problem can be solved using dimensional analysis by multiplying atoms (5.9E24 atoms) by (1) mole and then dividing the number by Avogardo's number (6.022 E 23 atoms).
- Note: E = * 10
Side Note: Please let me know if you need any clarifications about this!
The Lithium-ion Battery Problem
Overheating. They overheat and explode if charged too fast.
Short life time. They die after less than 1,000 charge/discharge cycles.
Flammable. They use chemicals that are flammable. ...
Toxic. ...
Underperform in extreme temperatures. ...
Expensive casing. ...
Expensive to transport.
It depends on the pH if the base. but normally light colors are for bases example blue green etc