Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use mirrors to concentrate the sun's energy to drive traditional steam turbines or engines that create electricity. The thermal energy concentrated in a CSP plant can be stored and used to produce electricity when it is needed, day or night. Today, roughly 1,815 megawatts (MWac) of CSP plants are in operation in the United States.
Parabolic Trough
Parabolic trough systems use curved mirrors to focus the sun’s energy onto a receiver tube that runs down the center of a trough. In the receiver tube, a high-temperature heat transfer fluid (such as a synthetic oil) absorbs the sun’s energy, reaching temperatures of 750°F or higher, and passes through a heat exchanger to heat water and produce steam. The steam drives a conventional steam turbine power system to generate electricity. A typical solar collector field contains hundreds of parallel rows of troughs connected as a series of loops, which are placed on a north-south axis so the troughs can track the sun from east to west. Individual collector modules are typically 15-20 feet tall and 300-450 feet long.
Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector
CLFR uses the principles of curved-mirror trough systems, but with long parallel rows of lower-cost flat mirrors. These modular reflectors focus the sun's energy onto elevated receivers, which consist of a system of tubes through which water flows. The concentrated sunlight boils the water, generating high-pressure steam for direct use in power generation and industrial steam applications.
Any collection of data or information that has been properly structured for quick search and retrieval by a computer is referred to as a database, often known as an electronic database.
<h3>What is electronic database?</h3>
- Databases are designed to make it easy to save, retrieve, edit, and delete data while carrying out various data-processing tasks. In response to queries, a database management system (DBMS) retrieves data from the database.
- Databases are briefly discussed after that. See computer science: Information systems and databases; information processing for a comprehensive explanation.
- A file or collection of files used to store a database.
- These files' contents can be divided up into records, each of which has one or more fields.
- The fundamental units of data storage are fields, and each field typically contains data related to one feature or attribute of the thing that the database is describing.
- Additionally, records are arranged into tables that contain details on the connections between their various fields.
- A database in the strict sense offers cross-referencing capabilities, despite the fact that the term "database" is used broadly to refer to any collection of information in computer files.
- Users can quickly search, rearrange, organize, and choose the fields in numerous records to access or produce reports on certain data aggregates using keywords and a variety of sorting instructions.
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A working with machinery be a common type of caught-in and caught-between hazard is described below in complete detail.
“Caught in-between” accidents kill mechanics in a variety of techniques. These incorporate cave-ins and other hazards of tunneling activity; body parts extracted into unconscious machinery; reaching within the swing range of cranes and other installation material; caught between machine & fixed objects.
The end-use industries of thermochromic materials include packaging, printing & coating, medical, textile, industrial, and others. Printing & coating is the fastest-growing end-use industry of thermochromic materials owing to a significant increase in the demand for thermal paper for POS systems. The use of thermochromic materials is gaining momentum for interactive packaging that encourages consumers to take a product off the shelf and use it.