One reason could be that the water in this experiment, didn’t boil, but instead became a “chemical reaction” from atmospheric pressure which is normal.
While heating two different samples, of
sea level water it decides on a temperature of 102°C and the other boils at 99.2°C. Basically calculating of the percent error.
Radiant Energy is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves. Radiant energy includes visible light, x-rays, gamma rays and radio waves. Light is one type of radiant energy. Sunshine is radiant energy, which provides the fuel and warmth that make life on Earth possible.
<span>Heat travels from the sun by a process called radiation. Radiation is the transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves. When infrared rays strike a material, the molecules in that material move faster. In addition to the sun, light bulbs, irons, and toasters radiate heat. When we feel heat around these items, however, we are feeling convection heat (warmed air molecules) rather than radiated heat since the heat waves strike and energize surrounding air molecules. </span>
<span>A light bulb changes the chemical energy of the bulb into electromagnetic radiation, or light. Which in return gets transformed into heat (have you ever touched a light bulb? ouch!). </span>
When you heat up coffee in a microwave, you are transforming electromagnetic energy into heat.
<span>People have started to utilize electromagnetic energy in the form of solar power, using solar panels to gather the radiant energy that comes from the sun and use it for electricity. For example, a pool that has solar heating panels. </span>
2.5gm answer ....2/18x22.5
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