<span>Neutron Star hope this helps</span>
The potassium will donate one of its valence electrons
c MgO
product is located after the reaction arrow
The net equation will be as follows.
So, we are required to find for this reaction.
Therefore, steps involved for the above process are as follows.
Step 1: Convert K from solid state to gaseous state
, = 89 kJ
Step 2: Ionization of gaseous K
, = 418 KJ
Step 3: Dissociation of gas into chlorine atom
, = 122 KJ
Step 4: Iozination of chlorine atom.
, = -349 KJ
Step 5: Add ion and ion formed above to get KCl
, = -717 KJ
Now, using Born-Haber cycle, value of enthalpy of the formation is calculated as follows.
= 89 + 418 + 122 - 349 - 717
= - 437 KJ/mol
Thus, we can conclude that the heat of formation of KCl is - 437 KJ/mol.