Ionic bonds
It rymes. haha i dont even know how to spell it! ;)
there is a google calculator for this, but i don't know the exact formula.
because water wets stuff expect for fire.
Don't post any question if isn't related to the topic or to your homework or assignment.
1. A soluble salt can be prepared by reacting an acid with a suitable insoluble reactant including:
a metal
a metal oxide
a carbonate
3. I don’t know this one
4. A term base or glossary is a database containing single words or expressions related to a specific subject.
5. Strong acid is an acid that ionizes completely in aqueous solution. It always loses a proton (H+) when dissolved in water. Weak acid is an acid that ionizes partially in a solution. ... Because the rate of reaction depends upon the degree of dissociation αand strong acids have higher degrees of dissociation.
im not sure of the rest