There can be an experiment run using two or more cleansers at the same time as the manufacturers' one
When elements combine, they form molecules. Simply put, a molecule is a group of two or more atoms chemically bonded together. ... Certain molecules are also compounds. A compound is a group of two or more different atoms chemically bonded together.
First of all, let's just talk about the speed, and not get wound up
in the velocity. OK ?
If a fly is sitting on the rim of the wheel and the wheel is rotating, then for
each full revolution of the wheel, the fly travels the circumference of the
wheel, which is (2 π) x (radius of the wheel).
In 'N' revolutions, the fly travels (2 N π) x (the radius). and so on.
So if the wheel is going, let's say 71 revs per minute (RPM), a point
on the rim is moving at (2 π times 71) x (the radius) per minute.
Another way to say it:
Speed of a point on the circle = (2 π) x (rotation frequency) x (radius).
The 'rotation frequency' takes care of the unit of time, and the 'radius'
takes care of the unit of length, so the result is a speed.
This is a matter of superposition.
When the waves peak at the same time and place, they produce constructive interference, meaning the waves interact together in a positive way, to make a wave with Amplitude of both waves added together. When the peaks differ however, at the same time and place, then it is destructive interference and the waves essentially cancel each other out.
Hope this helps. Any questions please just ask. Thank you kindly.