The displacement of thoughts, feelings, fears, wishes, and conflicts from past relationships onto new relationships is called transference.
Complementary colors.
Split complementary colors.
Analogous colors.
Triadic harmonies.
Tetradic harmonies.
Monochromatic harmonies.
1.F: About 6*10^14 Hz
2.E: About 4*10^ -19 J
Frequency: We knew that the speed of a wave is its wavelength(λ)* frequency(f, in Hz). By the wave-particle duality we know we can calculate the frequency of light in the same way. So, c=495nm *f, f=c/495nm=> (299,792,458 m/s) / (4.95*10^-7 m)
=6.05*10^14 /s
Energy: The energy photon contains can be calculate by this formula-- E=hf
f is the frequency and h is Planck's constant which is about 6.62 ×10^-34 *m^2*kg/s (after dimensional analysis ) =6.62*10^ -34 J*s.
So, the energy of a blue photon is (6.05*10^14)*(6.62*10^-34)=40.051*10^-20= 4.051*10^-19 J
Where are the questions so that I can deliver a more accurate answer.
I think its d. but im not sure