Scientific questions and hypotheses come up frequently while one is engaged in investigating a scientific phenomenon such as natural geological phenomena as may occur in geological mapping in the field. For example, there may be a question does this canyon or deeply incised valley which is quite straight follow a weakness in the earth's crust like a major fault or the direction of bedding in well bedded sedimentary rocks. In a particular topographic area, some hypotheses which may be developed is that valleys follow geological structure whereas ridges follow resistant rocks like quartzites or quartz sandstones or in the ocean, points or capes may represent resistant quartz sandstones and bays may represent weak soft shales recessively weathering
When you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one another.
C. Difficulty in concentrating.
One of the common symptom for Bipolar disorder is the difficulty in concentration or decreased ability to think and indecisiveness. They tend to make wrong decisions because of this symptom. And because they do not think thoroughly, bipolar disorder patients have poor decision making.