The order of components in a typical flame atomic absorption spectrometer is hollow cathode lamp--flame--monochromator--detector
- The hollow cathode lamp practices a cathode created of the element of interest with a low internal pressure of inert gas.
- Remove scattered light of other wavelengths from the flame. AAS flame includes aiming at first the fuel than the oxidant and then lighting the flame with the instrument's auto-ignition system. Applying flame Ddtroy any analyte ions and breakdown complexes.
- The process of the monochromator is to divide analytical lines photons moving through the flame
- Photomultiplier tube (PMT) as the detector the PMT determines the intensity of photons of the analytical line exiting the monochromator.
Examples of pure substances include tin, sulfur, diamond, water, pure sugar (sucrose), table salt (sodium chloride) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Crystals, in general, are pure substances. Tin, sulfur, and diamond are examples of pure substances that are chemical elements. All elements are pure substances.
No,they just separate away from each other
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