lol there's no question girly but lmk if ya need help with anything.
Ca has the greater Ionization Energy because the Trend is I/e decreases as you move down a group. Therefore, Ca has the greater I/e
5. B air is a mixture of many elements, but is not a chemically fused.
6. B Beef stew, composition varies throughout.
7. A. They can be chemically separated into their component elements, but they are all homogenous, and as such, have constant composition, which differs from the components properties, as the components must undergo a chemical change to become compounds.
No haces literalmente, pero metepóricamente, su forma de hablar, lo que significa que tienes un sentimiento no argumental hacia algunos. La resonancia detrás de esto es que algunas personas pueden encontrar atractiva a una persona concreta o tener una buena personalidad, así que comienzas a asimilar esos sentimientos.