The answer is a traveling wave
Travelling waves are temporary waves and these occur for a very short duration and move with constant speed. It is represented by an infinite rectangular waves. The crest of travelling wave move in wave propagating direction. Mathematically a periodic travelling wave is a one dimensional space that moves constantly with unvarying velocity through some medium.
Answer: hundred cubic meters of carbon dioxide initially at 150◦C and 50 bar is to beisothermally compressed in a frictionless piston-and-cylinder device to a final pressure of 300 bar.Calculatei The volume of the compressed gas.ii The work done to compress the gas.iii The heat flow on compression.assuming carbon dioxide(a) Is an ideal gas.(b) Obeys the principle of corresponding states of Sec. 6.6(c) Obeys the Peng-Robinson equation of state.SolutionWe haveT1= 150◦C,P1= 50 bar,T2= 150◦C,P2= 300 bar. (1 and 2 denote the initialand final conditions in this ’snapshot’ problem, respectively - we have sometimes called themt1andt2)(a) If CO2is an idea gas, we havePV=NRT.The number of moles can be calculated from theinitial conditions:N1=P 1 V 1 RT 1 = (6 × 10 6 Pa)(100 m 3 ) (8 . 314 J/(mol K))(150 + 273 K) = 142127 mol = 142 . 1 kmol i. Since we know N 1 = N 2 , T 2 , P 2 V 2 = N 2 RT 2 P 2 = (142127 mol)(8 . 314 J/(mol K))(150 + 273 K ) 30 × 10 6 Pa = 16 . 66 m 3 ii. Since there is no shaft work, and since the gas is isothermally compressed , we only have pressure-volume work: W = - Z V 2 V 1 PdV = - Z V 2 V 1 NRT V dV = - NRT ln V 2 V 1 W = - (142127 mol)(8 . 314 J/(mol K))(150 + 273 K ) ln 16 . 66 100 = 8 . 958 × 10 8 J iii. Energy balance (integral form) for the closed system is: U 2 - U 1 = Q + W Back from homework 2, for an ideal gas, stating from equation 6.2-21, dU = C V dT + " T ∂P ∂T V - P # dV reduces to: dU = C V dT However, the process is isothermal, so dT = 0 Which gives: dU = Δ U = 1 N Δ U Therefore 0 = Q + W → Q = - W Q = - 8 . 958 × 10 8 J 3
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