A synthesis reaction forms one product from two reactants.
It has the general form A + X ⇒ AX.
The oven has many different heat sources from the bottom, sides, top, etc...
The microwave only has the sides.
this is due to the existence of other forces called the strong nuclear forces that overcomes the repulsion forces between the protons and keeps the nucleons holding to each other also there is a type of energy that is called the nuclear binding energy and this energy also works on binding the components of the nucleus together
So i say the power or the radius cortex in my equinox when i look at this V is the determination of V
A precipitate is a solid that separates out of a liquid solution when it is supersaturated (insoluble). This is a chemical change.
Precipitation is when a chemical substance converts into a solid from a solution by converting the substance into an insoluble form or a super-saturated solution. When the reaction occurs in a liquid solution, the solid formed is called the precipitate.
Hope that helps.