No. You cannot rule out the battery even after the open circuit voltage measurement. The open-circuit voltage may not have changed but the battery's internal resistance may have greatly increased.
Chemical energy (calories) is converted by your body walking on the surface into mechanical/kinetic energy
Volcanic islands, Mountain ranges
A convergent margin is plate boundary in which plates comes together. There are different types of interactions that occurs around a place where plate converges.
- An ocean-continent convergence creates a subduction zone in which the denser oceanic plate sinks beneath the less dense continental crust.
- As the oceanic plate begins to subside, it can melt and form chains of volcanic island within the riding continents.
- Also, where two plates of equal densities converge, none of them subsides and this leads to upbuilding.
- The product can be seen as extensive mountain ranges on earth like the Andes and Himalayas.
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Descending lithosphere
A baseball would hit the bat harder. This is because the baseball is a lot heavier and more dense than the plastic ball. The keyword that you're looking for is density. The baseball is dense.