Explanation: a) power = force * velocity
Convert km/hr to m/s=1000m/(60×60s)
Power =1500×100× 1000/3600
metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
The four categories of engineering materials used in manufacturing are metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
i) Metals: Metals are solids made up of atoms held by matrix of electrons. They are good conductors of heat and electricity, ductile and strong.
ii) Composite: This is a combination of two or more materials. They have high strength to weight ratio, stiff, low conductivity. E.g are wood, concrete.
iii) Ceramics: They are inorganic, non-metallic crystalline compounds with high hardness and strength as well as poor conductors of electricity and heat.
iv) Polymers: They have low weight and are poor conductors of electricity and heat
try to pop it back in good luck im scared for you
I think the answer is B. 10D
Jake because the more speed, the more kinetic energy which = force.