Taking the copper wire, he has to wind it around the nail made of iron. After which, he then connect both ends of the copper wire to the battery, so an electric charge travels through the wire. This is the basic electromagnet. Since a current is now flowing through the wire, a magnetic field is produced. Placing the electromagnet near the mixture of copper and iron, the magnet should attract the pieces of iron, as iron is more magnetic compared to copper. This is done over a period of time, so that only the copper pieces are left in the mixture.
It is characterized by fast, quick passes down the court and using more players on the attack than the opposition has for their defense. Slower, more deliberate play characterizes the slow-break style. This technique calls for more thoughtful action; players maneuver carefully in order to shoot in this type of offense.
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dβ = 70. 77 dβ
The intensity of sound in decibels is
dβ = 10 log I/I₀
let's look for the intensity of this signal
I / I₀ = 10 dβ/10
I / I₀ = 3.981 10⁶
the threshold intensity of sound for humans is I₀ = 1 10⁻¹² W / m²
I = 3.981 10 ⁶ 1 10⁻¹²
I = 3,981 10⁻⁶ W / m²
It is indicated that 3 cornets are placed in the circle, for which total intensity is
I_total - 3 I
I_total = 3 3,981 10⁻⁶
I_total = 11,943 10⁻⁶ W / m²
let's reduce to decibels
dβ = 10 log (11,943 10⁻⁶/1 10⁻¹²)
dβ = 10 7.077
dβ = 70. 77 dβ
To solve for d rearrange the formula v = (d)(t) to:
d = v / t
I'm not to sure if you are using different variables but usually in physics the formula for velocity is v = d / t not v = dt
If you wanted to solve for displacement you would do:
d = (v)(t)
Hope this helps!