B) hyperbolic curve; saturated with substrate
Enzymatic kinetics studies the speed of enzyme catalyzed reactions. These studies provide direct information about the mechanism of the catalytic reaction and the specificity of the enzyme. The speed of a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme can be measured with relative ease, since in many cases it is not necessary to purify or isolate the enzyme. The measurement is always carried out under the optimal conditions of pH, temperature, presence of cofactors, etc., and saturating substrate concentrations are used. Under these conditions, the reaction rate observed is the maximum speed (Vmax). The speed can be determined either by measuring the appearance of the products or the disappearance of the reagents.
Following the rate of appearance of product (or disappearance of the substrate) as a function of time, the so-called reaction progress curve is obtained, or simply, the reaction kinetics. This curve is represented by a hyperbolic curve
With the answer being
125350.4522 C
18 is the max number of electrons in 1 orbital