Least count of the pulse stopwatch is given by

this means each division of the stopwatch will measure 0.1 s of time
After 3 journeys from one end to other we can see that total time that is measured here is shown by the clock as 52nd division
So here total time is given as
Time = (Number of division) (Least count)
now we will have

c. Joints allow the roadway to expand and contract as cars put force on the bridge
The reasons why joints are allowed on roadway is to accommodate the contraction and expansion of the road as cars put force on them.
- Most materials used in making roadways are susceptible to expansion and contraction.
- When a measure of force is applied their length either increases or decreases depending on the type of force.
- To accommodate these changes, joints are placed in roadways
You can see solution in the picture
Instantaneous center:
It is the center about a body moves in planer motion. The velocity of Instantaneous center is zero and Instantaneous center can be lie out side or inside the body. About this center every particle of a body rotates.
From the diagram
Where these two lines will cut then it will the I-Center.Point A and B is moving perpendicular to the point I.
If we take three link link1,link2 and link3 then I center of these three link will be in one straight line It means that they will be co-linear.
Therefore, when the mass is at its equilibrium position (which corresponds to x=0), the velocity of the mass will be maximum.
To know more about velocity, refer: brainly.com/question/12413963
When inertia increases, it's because the mass increased, which increases the normal force, which ultimately increases friction.